Dr. Octagon - Dr. Octagonecologyst

This is Kool Keith right? Or is it MF Doom? Are the same thing? Or is that Dr. Doom? I'm in confusing territory.
I like it anyhow. I like filthy low synth bass. Earth People smacks of dirty club nights.
He's gone for a whole medical theme with this one (I guess that's probably the idea with this Dr. alias). There are some wicked bit of scratching on here. A Visit To The Gynecologyst ends with a fantastic little scratch solo. The following song, Bear Witness (a rather Public Enemy like affair), has some wicked scratch work going on too for that matter.
This is the kind of hip-hop that intellectual hip-hop heads like. Crazy to think this is ten years old. The rapping is really not so different from what the likes of Murs and Atmosphere are doing these days. I'm probably still mixed up... it's probably all the same guy.