Ivory Springer - Thirty Two Points On A Compass

It was a random encounter involving a Tescos, a forgotten wallet, and some great Bristol folk that brought this album into my life. Sometimes things all come up roses.
This is a marvellous nautical themed bit of work by Bristol's now disbanded Ivory Springer. I'm not sure how popular they were outside of Bristol but it's a travesty that they never made it, or maybe it's not. Maybe it's best that this little gem stays local and untainted.
The first track, Fifteen Minute Song, has the most wonderful swagger to it. Halfway through I just knew I was going to love the album. Syncopated drums and tight sporadic stabs of nose. Rock done right. Energy, attitude and intelligence. Wicked production too - these guys have definitely listened to Shellac in their time.
All you little Radio 1 wannabes help me out here - get yourself a copy of this album and start taking notes.