Roni Size & Reprazent - New Forms

There's a very good reason these guys won a Mercury prize for their work back in the 90s. It's because they were innovative - they made DnB good (along with Goldie of course). It still sounds relatively fresh. I can pick this album up at any time and enjoy it straight away. It works on so many levels.
The beats are nice and clean. They have room to breath - unlike most the crap the genre is spitting out these days (it's not all about trying the rattle the speakers guys). I mean - just look at the moment that rich dark double bass drops (1:54 in) on 'Brown Paper Bag'. Simple and clean but with so much impact.
I actually get a tad angry thinking about it. With such great examples aspire to why did DnB go so wrong? I take refuge in the fact that this album, and songs like Heros and Watching Windows, will be around forever for people to get re-inspired by.