Tiny Dancers - Free School Milk
Posted July 13th, 2007 by aidan

Truthfully, I'm not sure what to think of this. Maybe I'm missing something but it just felt a bit safe. Parts of I Will Wait For You sound like a rip of a old White Stripes track (from the Blood Cells days).
Kinda country-pop-rock - generally a bit too happy - though I guess it's fun. Interestingly the song I liked the most, Hemsworth Hallway, was actually the happiest sounding of the bunch. It's got the catchiest hook on the album... "You know, we don't know what goes though your little miiiiiiiiiiiiind"
If nothing else it definitely sounds like it's derived from a different era.
ok, so it's growing on me
ok, so it's growing on me more. I'll slap myself soon enough for not falling in love with it straight away.