Tool - Lateralus
Posted May 28th, 2007 by aidan
Can you believe this album was released in 2001 and I've only just gotten around to listening to it? Disgraceful really considering Ænima was one of my most overplayed albums of 1997. I'm not really sure why I let it happen. Silly.
Of course it's good. It's Tool. These guys are like the nuclear physicists of metal. Disassemble the music, understand the music, put it back together to create new things nobody ever thought possible. Their rhythms are always so interesting, wonderful hypnotic patterns set in differing time-signatures for every instrument ensure that the emphasis is constantly shifting. Then after much suspense everything slots back into place with a thud (half way through Triad we see the effect executed perfectly).
God, I'm so far behind the times. I have another Tool album to catch up on now - at least Lateralus provides something of an assurance that it's bound to be good.
Ratatat - Ratatat
Posted May 28th, 2007 by aidan
I've gone through several infatuations with Ratatat over the last couple of years. The last one was fuelled by their London inclusive tour. I'd been listening to their second album, Classics, fairly exclusively (though I did give the first one a brief shot). Another infatuation is eminent - this time I feel like I'm going to be all over their debut, Ratatat.
The secret is that it all sounds backwards (somewhat like Boards Of Canada or RJD2's production). I think that's what makes it so nice to listen to - each note floats over, popping just out of reach. Very pretty. Great melodies, and great beats too. Their live set up is more traditional then I'd expected; synth, guitar and bass. The use of synths instead of a drummer for the rhythm lends a lot to the sound, the beats are crisp and full.
I don't want to give you the wrong impression - it's not all downbeat, far from it in fact, the sound is generally very uplifting and these guys really know how to rock.
If nothing else it's more proof that people sending random mp3s to your email does help to sell cds. Really looking forward to hearing more from these cats in the future.
Johnny Thunders & Patti Palladin - Copy Cats
Posted May 23rd, 2007 by aidan
Thunder's passing has always seemed like such an injustice to me. OK, so he was the hardest rocking junkie punk in the whole industry... but still, he'd kinda cleaned up his act. Besides, he was still creating really kick-ass music - 1998's Copy Cats being a perfect example.
There are all sorts of interesting elements on Copy Cats (which, not surprisingly, is a covers album); Rockabilly, surf-guitar, rock, pop. Embarrassingly I'm unfamiliar with most of the covers on here. More research required methinks.
I always like to think of Thunders as a bubble-gum pop artist - the emphasis is often placed on the lighter side of the tunes. And listening to Love is Strange now I still think it's a valid description. As always his guitar work is exquisite - it always was on the studio recordings, it's when he stuck a needle in his arm and stumbled out onto the stage that things got a bit inconsistent.
R.I.P. Mr Thunders.
The International Noise Conspiracy - A New Morning, Changing Weather
Posted May 23rd, 2007 by aidan
Hard rocking Brits. You know the sound - much like other 4 piece rock acts that the UK has been churning out over the last few years. These guys do have a bit more of a lo-fi edge to them, which is nice (I get sick of rock being scrubbed and polished to the point where you can almost see your own reflection in it). They definitely seem to like making noise. The recordings have a live sound to them which is another bonus. Lots of tambourines too. I like tambourines.
Damone - Out Here All Night
Posted May 22nd, 2007 by aidan
What's the deal? Cheesy powerpop hits! You honestly listened to this? Yep, and I kinda enjoyed it!
The first tune 'Now Is The Time' reeks of movie soundtracks, as do lots of other songs on here. Super clean production, layered up just right in the studio and topped off with shedloads of pick-slides.
I think the thing I like about it is that it reminds me of the fun rock of the 80s. It sounds a lot like Def Leopard with a girl singing - have a listen to 'Get Up And Go' and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about - there are plenty of shredding guitar solos to soak up.
At the risk of being labelled Emo I'm going to say that it touched me. It's all very teenaged.
Midnight Oil - Oils On The Water
Posted May 20th, 2007 by aidan
I watched a recent (political) interview with Peter Garrett the other day and it motivated me to listen to Midnight Oil again. Oils on the Water is currently the only album available through emusic so I figured I'd give it a shot. I didn't realise that it was a live album when I purchased it, luckily the recording is great.
Most of the material is unfamiliar to me but it was enjoyable nonetheless. I believe it's a recent reissue, with the original recording coming out before Beds are Burning and the like turned them into superstars. The Midnight Oil message is there loud and clear - forever challenging without being negative - it's nice.
All the tracks are massive rock master pieces. Oh, and the horns seriously kick ass.
Patti Smith - Twelve
Posted May 20th, 2007 by aidan
I like covers. Covers are eventually going to be a key focus of this blog. Patti Smith does good covers.
I actually picked up on this album after hearing a few guys on the tube talking about it (thanks random strangers!). They were saying that the Tears For Fears cover was rubbish (mostly because Patti is meant to be harder than that). I happen to disagree. Every song on here is really nicely produced and there's a nice range of genres in the original material. There isn't such a great range of dynamics in the cover versions though. They're all set in a similar tone, a much mellower tone than we'd normally expect from Patti.
New Young Pony Club
Posted May 20th, 2007 by aidan
Another one of those bands that I could see coming when !!! dropped back in the day. I've always thought of the sound as being a push towards an updated version of The Clash. These guys do a pretty good job of it. Cool danceable grooves. The Van She Tech remix of Ice Cream is probably my favourite in terms of DJ material.